Sunday, May 10, 2009

You've Heard Of Clickbank Right?

You've Heard Of Clickbank Right?

If you've ever used Clickbank, listen up.

Things are about to change, permanently.

Everything you thought you knew about Clickbank is wrong.

Over the past couple of months, a guy named Michael Jones
has been doing some in-depth research into Clickbank.

He went in there as a green newbie affiliate, started a few promotions, and
kept careful notes on EVERYTHING he discovered.

The stuff he found is going to blow your mind.

This stuff is going to upset a lot of people. It's going to make
others downright angry...

It's going to change the Clickbank world FOREVER.

I can't reveal any more than that
right now, but I'll be in touch soon.

Check It Out!

Get ready for some changes...

Your William

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Reality Is Merely An ILLUSION

Leap! is a film that will challenge your current
way of thinking and compel you to consider
(based on an ageless theory), that "The world
is an illusion."


You will learn how to live your life as an
infinite being with no boundaries. (Get ready to
experience true happiness, peace, fun, love and
joy in every area of your life.)

This idea may challenge your current beliefs and
ideals. To think of yourself, your family,
friends and everything you know and love as part
of an elaborate illusion sounds insane, doesn't it?
(But then again Albert Einstein did say, "Reality is
merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

Leap! explores ancient and modern philosophies
and philosophers who support the illusion theory.

To Leap! beyond the illusion is to let go and
live from inspiration...

To Leap! beyond the constraints of your current
perceived reality and what you think you know...

To consider The Truth of who you really are ---
an infinite being --- a participant in the grand

The purpose of Leap! is to invite all of us to
live beyond the illusion by knowing what is
really going on here. This philosophy is *not*
about denying our physical experience.

Ultimately it is about Leaping BEYOND the
limitations and restrictions that this illusion
appears to impose on all of us.

What would your life look like if you chose to
live knowing that you are an infinite being ---
your world is an illusion being constructed for
your enjoyment --- there is nothing "to do"
except what you are inspired to do --- and you
cannot ever really make a mistake.


As an infinite being you will experience all the
following possibilities...

- True Happiness, peace, fun, love and joy in
every area of your life

- A life with no limits or restrictions

- Live life every day knowing that anything is
possible and everything is perfect right here,
right now

And please keep in mind...

This philosophy is not about visualization,
manifestation, or creating with intention. It is
a complete paradigm shift in how you live your
life as a result of truly knowing who you really

Even though we believe it's all an illusion ---
this life is still a great adventure.

Leap! stars Joe Vitale, Robert Scheinfeld, Dan
Millman, Cynthia James, Fred Knight, Fred Alan
Wolf, Michael Brown, Gary Crowley, Gary Renard,
Amir Zoghi, Nicole Casanova, Tom & Linda
Carpenter, Ingrid Elfver, Lyn Corona, Manny Otto,
Amber Terrell, John Sherman, Elvia McGarry,
William Arntz, James Twyman, Peter Russell,
Puppetji and Max Simon.

You can purchase Leap! for only $25, plus a
nominal shipping & handling fee by going to...


Come, play and Leap! beyond the illusion!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Relativity -- It's All About Relationships!

It's All About Relationships

2009 New Beginnings

2009 - The beginning of a new year reminds us that endings and beginnings are perpetual and constant.

circles of circles - networks of networks

You are invited to join's online community,

A community where (I,you,we) can come together creating friendships and relationships to help one another achieve your (our) goals and dreams.

Where members can come together for advice,
support and friendship.

Where achieving a life that is safe, productive, and happy.

We can establish a 'positive network' where we are continually working together peacefully, in a positive way.

When The Student Is Ready The Teacher Will Come!
When I am the teacher you are the student
When you are the teacher I am the student

We all learn and grow and prosper from each other.

A very basic and important circle.

Everything in You is Something in Me.

The most important 'a-ha' is we live in a circle.
Once we see this we can correct all of our repeated mistakes.

Can You See The Solution To All Of Our Problems Is In The Circle?

A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." Albert Einstein

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Doing Research

Ive been away awhile.

Ive been doing research.

"If we knew what we were doing.. it wouldn't be called research would it?" Albert Einstein

Well actually I've made a very important Discovery... There's a Secret hidden in Einsteins
equation E = MC2. I am currently creating some videos that teaches people about it.

It's a Very Important Discovery That Everyone Needs to know about. It's Life Changing!

Hopefully I will have them out soon! I'll let you know. Einstein will approve.

Ive also Discovered something called binaural beats .

Just listen to the soothing music and proprietary binaural beats will put your mind in a calm, focused state easily and effortlessly.

Based on German psycho-acoustic technology, the binaural beats automatically focus your mind with no effort on your part.

To get FREE access to your own personal copy of Focus Automatically, featuring original music and beats specifically designed to help you focus Go Here.

Discover an exciting collection of products for writers & artists! Here

Discover a world new world of exciting home software! Here

Discover a world of new & exciting self-development products! Here

Gotta Go... Videos to Create

Its Me IN different FORM

Sunday, February 3, 2008

~If Einstein had known this.

Einstein was married and then divorced. Had he known the secret to relationships maybe he would have stayed married.

“Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love”. Albert Einstein

February 14th --- Valentines Day is upon us once again.

Do yourself a favor and remember to appreciate your sweetie this Valentine’s Day, they will Love you for it.

The key to relationships :

Relationships are sets of equal and opposite reactions - physical-- emotional, intellectual ---and intuitional.

Opposites attract and then repel just like two magnets.

Our partners are our equal and opposite reaction.
Neither of us can act or react without the other.
What seems like two separate entities is connected by something we cannot see, but we can definitely feel and know it.

This unseen thing seems like a puzzle until we understand the Secret Of Reality.

Accept Yourself To Enjoy (and Understand) Each Other

If you can learn to accept and forgive yourself for negative traits, then it is very easy to accept and forgive them in others.

When we are able to achieve this, it is much easier to find and keep relationships.
Everything we love and hate in others, we really love and hate in ourselves

The traits you love today will most definitely annoy you tomorrow, and what you don't see today will definitely show up tomorrow.

It's Where You Put Your Attention or What You Choose to 'See'
If you continually focus on what is wrong with people (and yourself) that's what you will continually find and create (everything's wrong, not right). This may be totally okay, though. For some people (perhaps all of us), their best partner is themselves.

Still, all of us have to go through the accept and forgive exercise with ourselves and with others. We also, eventually, have to come to the realization that it's up to us where we place our attention. It is just as easy to stay focussed on what's right about someone as what's wrong with them.
The key to happy relationships (happy anything, really) is to stay focused on what you like about a person and ignore the rest. If you keep noticing the negatives, the negatives will continually appear. This is a normal defensive mechanism all of us go through, and a very bad habit, if we don't learn how to break out of it. (It's also a scientific principle.) We can't shed the negatives.
The universe's foundation is the relationship between positive and negative,

Our Creator Loves and Forgives Us!

Whatever you Give away must and will Return.

Valentine's Day is Thursday February 14th. Chocolate is the gift longed for above all others on Valentine's Day. Whether your loved one is counting carbs or a fervent chocoholic, this is their once-a-year opportunity to take unashamed pleasure in a decadent chocolate treat.

zChocolat has mastered the art of Valentine's Day gift giving with unparalleled, luscious hand-made French chocolates packaged in singularly romantic mahogany keepsake boxes finished with unique gift services.

Don’t be left out! Join In! Here’s to success.

Sincerely Bill Simmon

Saturday, December 22, 2007

What Does Thomas Edison And Mark Joyner Have In Common?

What Does Thomas Edison And Mark Joyner Have In Common?

They both create Extraordinary products that benefit everyone!

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Don’t be left out! Join In!
Here’s to success. Sincerely Bill Simmon

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Perfect (Easiest) Gift For Christmas!

Cant find that perfect Gift for Christmas? These guys are the Best at what they do. Who doesnt like chocolate? And you can shop from the comfort of your own sofa. , Its that simple! click here