Saturday, September 29, 2007

Capability (What Can You Do?)

Capability (What Can You Do?)
What is capability? What can you do? What is can?

You say, “I wish I could do that. But I can’t.” Sometimes the thing you desire seems most evasive and elusive to you. You may seem to think that you need money or something else that is external to you for you to be able to achieve your desire. And because this external thing is away from you and you don’t have it, you think that you are doomed because even that seems elusive.

So you are stuck in a vicious circle. You accept that, you fear it.
But before you accept something that has absolutely no value to you, take another look. Fear is a thing we are conditioned to accept without question, yet it has absolutely no value.

Next time you accept fear, ask yourself what value it really has for you. Escape is not a value. There is nowhere to run. Eventually, you will be found and you will have to face yourself.

Running away from a problem is an idea that stems from the illusion that there is a you with a problem, and a you that can escape the you with the problem. Insane? Yep! The first step to getting out of a problem is knowing and accepting that you are the problem, and then you become the solution. Nothing outside changes, but as you change, a new outside replaces the old.

The law of attraction and the law of cause and effect work this way.
For now, let us define capability. What is can?
Everyone has things that they can do now that they could not do before. You can now walk while as a child you could not. The ground never changed, but you did.

You can now read while you once could not. The English language never changed, but you did. At one time, Bill Gates could not write software, now he can. The world did not change, Bill did. At one time, Jesus could not perform miracles, then he did. Miracles did not change, Jesus did. At one time the Buddha was not enlightened, then he was. The ways of the universe did not change, the Buddha did.

Do you get the picture? There are a million things that a person can do now that they could not do years ago. Why?
It is never those things that changed. What changed was the idea that this person had of himself or herself. Have you seen the movie The Matrix? When Neo changed his idea of himself, he was able to do the undoable. It is so with everyone.

So what is can? What is capability. It is nothing more than a shift in what you think you are. What You Really Are is a being with infinite possibilities. Everyone is. We are all literally an idea. As such, success is not something we can chase and get, it is something that we attract by the persons we become. We become those persons by changing the idea of what we think we are.
The problem is not with the world. The problem, if there is one, is with your recognition of yourself and your world. The way you perceive and interpret yourself and your world is a system.

Change that system, through seeking new truths, and you change your world.
To put it in another way, on earth you are a being that has experiences. These experiences are determined by your thoughts, which are determined by your perceptions. And these experiences are experienced through perception. It is a cycle. The key here is that perception is a learnt system.

You learnt your own way of perception as you grew up. Whatever you accepted as true from your parents, friends, teachers, and so on, is what builds your framework of perception. Perception is a learnt system.

You learn it, and you can just as easily unlearn it. You unlearn it by replacing it with a new system, and you get a new system by seeking new truths from books, guides, your higher self, and so on.

The world that you perceive is perceived differently by the next guy. We are all seeing an illusion, an interpretation of energy activity that we are the creators of. The Real world is seen through vision, not perception. And vision only comes when you finally drop all your judgement of what you see, when you let it tell you what it is instead of you saying what it is. But that is another story all together.

You are in charge of ‘can’, and no one else. People can tell you that you can’t, all day long, until they grow hoarse and lose their voices. It will have absolutely zero effect on you. Unless you accept it. What did you accept as a child? Do you like it? Then un-accept it. Change. Re-create yourself. Have a new idea of who you are!

Article written by David Cameron Gikandi

Go here for more...



Sunday, September 16, 2007

~ Learning From Legends

~Learning From Legends

When I run into a problem, I think, "What would Einstein or Edison do in this situation?"

We are so fortunate that we don't have to make our own way - we have inherited a great wealth of information we can use.

Instead of stumbling, trying to gather wisdom , Newton, Edison, Einstein and others hand it to us.

We learn from what they did.

We inherit their innovation.

For instance, when Edison was trying to figure out how to increase the flow of messages in the telegraph, he considered how to increase the flow of water in a pipe.

By thinking about his problem that way, he was able to separate the flow of current and thus send simultaneous messages on the same telegraph wire.

Tip: When you come up with a problem, think about what the essence of the problem is, and then think of what other things could have the same basic problem.

Thomas Edison had a problem with stealing - he was famous for taking someone else's idea and then improving it or thinking of another way to apply it.
He said, "Make it a habit to keep on the lookout for novel and interesting ideas that others have used successfully.

Your idea needs to be original only in its adaption to the problem you are working on."

Thomas Edison had several tables, each with a project on it. He would work on one until he found himself lacking inspiration.

Then he would move on to the next table. And on to the next. Suddenly he would receive an inspirational thought about how the project he was working on connected with another. And he would rush back to the first table and work again, inspiration renewed.

Tip: When inspiration is lacking, move on to something else. Periodically, review your notes on the first project. And wait for inspiration to return. When determining a project timeline, make sure you slot this time in.

Albert Einstein used his imagination extensively to come us with new ideas.

He would think in images, daydreaming and placing himself in the daydream so he could more fully understand the problem - from the problem's perspective.

Tip: Ask yourself, "If I were a ___, what would I see? What would be important to me?"

Too many of history's legendary innovators to be mentioned, drew pictures when solving a problem. They would draw a picture of the problem and then try and solve it pictorially. Doing this helped them see the problem with a different set of eyes.

Tip: Try drawing a picture of the problem you are trying to solve. Write down whatever comes into your mind, all the time drawing more images to go with those thoughts.

Don’t be left out! Join In!
Here’s to success. Sincerely Bill Simmon

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

~Labor Day Weekend

~~Labor Day Weekend

Havent posted in awhile. We just returned from a much needed two week vacation on Tablerock Lake.

If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z, X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut. Albert Einstein

It felt great escaping from work.

We' all played, laughed.relaxed. and had fun with our friends. We did everything except work.

But I hope you all took a moment over the weekend to give thanks for the work you do.

Your creative work makes a contribution to this small planet. In some small way, each of us contributes our energy, our talent, our skill to making life better, and I suspect that's how God intended it.

It was a three hundred mile trip there and another three hundred back. Half way there at a restroom stop I noticed both trailer tires had lost tread. It was good that I NOTICED it when I did or something really bad could have happened.

We shelled out a few hundred bucks for new tires that we didnt expect to spend but at least we are safe. No use letting it ruin the whole week. We met up with friends of ours and my wifes sister and her husband. This was where I had to keep my mouth shut!

I Worked I Played I Kept my mouth shut! = Success

Don’t be left out!

Join In! Here’s to success. Sincerely Bill Simmon