Tuesday, April 24, 2007

~The Experiment

~The Experiment

1 a: TEST, TRIAL b: a tentative procedure or policy c: an operation carried out under controlled conditions in order to discover an unknown effect or law, to test or establish a hypothesis, or to illustrate a known law 2 obsolete: EXPERIENCE 3: the process of testing: EXPERIMENTATION

This Blog is an Experiment!

The Experiment:

My Intentions are to seek out, Discover and Use the Success Strategies and Secrets of Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and Sir Isaac Newton to create a successful blog and or website.

I intend to use these Success Strategies for myself and then pass them along to you the reader.

I also intend to prove these same Success Straegies may be used on any goal or desire you may wish to obtain.

Key steps you’ll need to follow to get accurate data you can really use.

Following are the steps you take while doing your project.

Gather Background Information:

Gather information about your topic from books, magazines, the Internet, people and companies.

Keep notes about where you got your info.

Scientific MethodState the Purpose of your experiment - What are you trying to find out?

Select a variable (something you will change/vary) that will help you find your answer.

State your Hypothesis - your guess about what the answer will be.

Decide on and describe how you will change the variable you selected.

Decide on and describe how you will measure your results.

Run Controlled Experiment and Record Data:

Do the experiment as described above.Keep notes in one place.

Write down everything you can think of, you might need it later.

I Realize some of you fellow bloggers are already aware of certain success strategies and are much more proficient at writing than I but please be patient.
Feel free to join in.

My intentions are to write to the novice in a simple, practical and concise way that anyone may understand.

This is an open blog so I would appreciate any comments or contributions, good or bad as long as they are not rude or do not contribute to this blog in certain mannerisms.

If it helps you post a comment... if it doesn’t post a comment. If you have a success strategy post it.

I have three basic tools that I intend to use throughout the process.
A computer, a digital voice recorder, a journal and a Free Blog.

My biggest disadvantages at this point are:
Little knowledge of Blogging.
A limited experience on the internet.
Time and Energy.
I hope to overcome these very soon!

Life is nothing more than a series of experiments that you are given.
Until you figure out the outcome or conquer an experiment you will receive the same experiment over and over again.

Sounds kind of like your life does it not?

Every failure is simply an Experiment. Experiments are set up to see what results occur and to learn from doing them.

Don’t be left out! Join In!

Here’s to success. Sincerely Bill Simmon

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