Sunday, February 3, 2008

~If Einstein had known this.

Einstein was married and then divorced. Had he known the secret to relationships maybe he would have stayed married.

“Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love”. Albert Einstein

February 14th --- Valentines Day is upon us once again.

Do yourself a favor and remember to appreciate your sweetie this Valentine’s Day, they will Love you for it.

The key to relationships :

Relationships are sets of equal and opposite reactions - physical-- emotional, intellectual ---and intuitional.

Opposites attract and then repel just like two magnets.

Our partners are our equal and opposite reaction.
Neither of us can act or react without the other.
What seems like two separate entities is connected by something we cannot see, but we can definitely feel and know it.

This unseen thing seems like a puzzle until we understand the Secret Of Reality.

Accept Yourself To Enjoy (and Understand) Each Other

If you can learn to accept and forgive yourself for negative traits, then it is very easy to accept and forgive them in others.

When we are able to achieve this, it is much easier to find and keep relationships.
Everything we love and hate in others, we really love and hate in ourselves

The traits you love today will most definitely annoy you tomorrow, and what you don't see today will definitely show up tomorrow.

It's Where You Put Your Attention or What You Choose to 'See'
If you continually focus on what is wrong with people (and yourself) that's what you will continually find and create (everything's wrong, not right). This may be totally okay, though. For some people (perhaps all of us), their best partner is themselves.

Still, all of us have to go through the accept and forgive exercise with ourselves and with others. We also, eventually, have to come to the realization that it's up to us where we place our attention. It is just as easy to stay focussed on what's right about someone as what's wrong with them.
The key to happy relationships (happy anything, really) is to stay focused on what you like about a person and ignore the rest. If you keep noticing the negatives, the negatives will continually appear. This is a normal defensive mechanism all of us go through, and a very bad habit, if we don't learn how to break out of it. (It's also a scientific principle.) We can't shed the negatives.
The universe's foundation is the relationship between positive and negative,

Our Creator Loves and Forgives Us!

Whatever you Give away must and will Return.

Valentine's Day is Thursday February 14th. Chocolate is the gift longed for above all others on Valentine's Day. Whether your loved one is counting carbs or a fervent chocoholic, this is their once-a-year opportunity to take unashamed pleasure in a decadent chocolate treat.

zChocolat has mastered the art of Valentine's Day gift giving with unparalleled, luscious hand-made French chocolates packaged in singularly romantic mahogany keepsake boxes finished with unique gift services.

Don’t be left out! Join In! Here’s to success.

Sincerely Bill Simmon