Wednesday, September 5, 2007

~Labor Day Weekend

~~Labor Day Weekend

Havent posted in awhile. We just returned from a much needed two week vacation on Tablerock Lake.

If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z, X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut. Albert Einstein

It felt great escaping from work.

We' all played, laughed.relaxed. and had fun with our friends. We did everything except work.

But I hope you all took a moment over the weekend to give thanks for the work you do.

Your creative work makes a contribution to this small planet. In some small way, each of us contributes our energy, our talent, our skill to making life better, and I suspect that's how God intended it.

It was a three hundred mile trip there and another three hundred back. Half way there at a restroom stop I noticed both trailer tires had lost tread. It was good that I NOTICED it when I did or something really bad could have happened.

We shelled out a few hundred bucks for new tires that we didnt expect to spend but at least we are safe. No use letting it ruin the whole week. We met up with friends of ours and my wifes sister and her husband. This was where I had to keep my mouth shut!

I Worked I Played I Kept my mouth shut! = Success

Don’t be left out!

Join In! Here’s to success. Sincerely Bill Simmon

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