Wednesday, May 2, 2007

~Its Already There

~Its Already There

Did Newton invent Gravity or was it already there?

Did Einstein invent the equation E=mc2 or was it already there?

Did Edison invent the light bulb or were the answers already there?

Newton had a problem; he wanted to know why the apple fell to the earth. He found the answer.

Einstein had a problem: he wanted to know how energy was related to matter. He found the answer.

Edison had a problem: he wanted to find a better filament to make a light bulb last longer. He found the answer.

Einstein believed that every new idea is some addition or modification to something that already exists.
Any problem you could ever have, the answer is already there. Find the answer!

Don’t be left out! Join In!

Here’s to success. Sincerely Bill Simmon

1 comment:

Michael Young said...

Great insights!

In Richard Bach's book "Illusions," his main character says, "There is no such thing as a problem without a gift in its hands. We seek problems because we need their gifts."